Musalman Qalasi: The Fortress of the Muslim
As Muslims, we face many challenges and difficulties in our lives. We may encounter hardships, trials, temptations, doubts, fears, enemies, and sins. How can we overcome these obstacles and protect ourselves from harm? How can we strengthen our faith and increase our closeness to Allah? How can we attain peace, happiness, and success in this world and the next?
The answer is simple: by using Musalman Qalasi, the fortress of the Muslim. Musalman Qalasi is a term that refers to the collection of dua (supplications) and zikr (remembrance) that every Muslim should know and practice. These are the words of Allah and His Messenger (peace be upon him) that provide us with guidance, protection, healing, forgiveness, mercy, and blessings. In this article, we will explore what Musalman Qalasi is, why it is important for Muslims, and how to use it in our daily lives.
musalman qalasi
What is Musalman Qalasi?
The origin and meaning of the term
The word Musalman is derived from the Arabic word Muslim, which means one who submits to Allah. The word Qalasi is derived from the Arabic word Hisn, which means a fortress, a stronghold, or a place of refuge. Therefore, Musalman Qalasi means the fortress of the Muslim, or the place where the Muslim finds safety and security.
The term Musalman Qalasi was popularized by a book with the same title, written by Sheikh Sa'id ibn Ali ibn Wahf al-Qahtani. The book is a compilation of dua and zikr that are taken from the Quran and Sunnah (the teachings and practices of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him). The book covers various topics and situations that a Muslim may encounter in his or her life, such as waking up, sleeping, eating, dressing, traveling, praying, fasting, seeking forgiveness, facing difficulties, etc. The book also explains the benefits and virtues of dua and zikr, as well as their etiquettes and conditions.
The book and the app based on it
The book Musalman Qalasi was first published in Arabic in 1989. Since then, it has been translated into many languages, such as English, Urdu, Turkish, Persian, Indonesian, Malayalam, etc. It has also been widely distributed and read by millions of Muslims around the world. It is considered one of the most authentic and comprehensive sources of dua and zikr for Muslims.
Based on the book, an app was also developed by The app is available for Android devices and can be downloaded for free from Google Play Store. The app contains the text and audio of all the dua and zikr from the book in Arabic and Azerbaijani languages. It also has a search function that allows users to find specific dua or zikr by keywords or topics. The app is designed to be user-friendly and convenient for Muslims who want to access Musalman Qalasi anytime and anywhere.
Müsəlmanın qalası kitabı - the book of the Muslim's fortress
Müsəlmanın qalası proqramı - the program of the Muslim's fortress
Müsəlmanın qalası dua və zikrlər - the prayers and remembrances of the Muslim's fortress
Müsəlmanın qalası pdf - the pdf version of the Muslim's fortress
Müsəlmanın qalası yüklə - download the Muslim's fortress
Müsəlmanın qalası oxu - read the Muslim's fortress
Müsəlmanın qalası nədir - what is the Muslim's fortress
Müsəlmanın qalası faydaları - the benefits of the Muslim's fortress
Müsəlmanın qalası tərcüməsi - the translation of the Muslim's fortress
Müsəlmanın qalası səhifəsi - the page of the Muslim's fortress
Müsəlmanın qalası video - the video of the Muslim's fortress
Müsəlmanın qalası audio - the audio of the Muslim's fortress
Müsəlmanın qalası online - the online version of the Muslim's fortress
Müsəlmanın qalası app - the app of the Muslim's fortress
Müsəlmanın qalası android - the android app of the Muslim's fortress
Müsəlmanın qalası ios - the ios app of the Muslim's fortress
Müsəlmanın qalası müqəddiməsi - the introduction of the Muslim's fortress
Müsəlmanın qalası zikrin fəziləti - the virtue of remembrance in the Muslim's fortress
Müsəlmanın qalası yuxudan oyanarkən edilən zikrlər - the remembrances to be recited upon waking up in the Muslim's fortress
Müsəlmanın qalası paltar geyinərkən edilən dua - the prayer to be said when wearing clothes in the Muslim's fortress
Müsəlmanın qalası ayaqyoluna girərkən edilən dua - the prayer to be said when entering a bathroom in the Muslim's fortress
Müsəlmanın qalası evdən çıxarkən edilən zikr - the remembrance to be said when leaving home in the Muslim's fortress
Müsəlmanın qalası məscidə girərkən edilən dua - the prayer to be said when entering a mosque in the Muslim's fortress
Müsəlmanın qalası azan zikrləri - the remembrances to be said after hearing the call to prayer in the Muslim's fortress
Müsəlmanın qalası namaza başlayarkən edilən açılış duası - the opening prayer to be said when starting a prayer in the Muslim's fortress
Müsəlmanın qalası rükuda edilən dua - the prayer to be said when bowing in a prayer in the Muslim's fortress
Müsəlmanın qalası səcdədə edilən dua - the prayer to be said when prostrating in a prayer in the Muslim's fortress
Müsəlmanın qalası tilmavat sijdesinde edilen dua
Musaliman Qalaasi Istixara Namazinin Duasi
Musaliman Qalaasi
Why is Musalman Qalasi important for Muslims?
The benefits and virtues of dua and zikr
Dua and zikr are among the most powerful weapons that a Muslim has. They are the means by which we communicate with Allah, express our needs and desires, seek His help and support, praise His glory and majesty, thank His favors and bounties, repent from our sins and mistakes , and ask for His mercy and guidance. Dua and zikr have many benefits and virtues, such as:
They are acts of worship that please Allah and bring us closer to Him.
They are sources of protection and prevention from harm and evil.
They are causes of relief and comfort from distress and anxiety.
They are means of healing and cure from illness and disease.
They are ways of increasing and multiplying our rewards and blessings.
They are signs of humility and dependence on Allah and His power.
They are expressions of gratitude and appreciation for Allah and His favors.
They are manifestations of faith and trust in Allah and His promise.
The examples and evidences from the Quran and Sunnah
Dua and zikr are not only recommended, but also obligatory for Muslims. Allah commands us in the Quran to remember Him frequently, to call upon Him sincerely, to praise Him morning and evening, to seek His forgiveness regularly, to ask Him for the best in this world and the next, and to avoid His wrath and punishment. Allah says:
"And your Lord says, 'Call upon Me; I will respond to you.' Indeed, those who disdain My worship will enter Hell [rendered] contemptible." [Quran 40:60]
"So remember Me; I will remember you. And be grateful to Me and do not deny Me." [Quran 2:152]
"And when My servants ask you, [O Muhammad], concerning Me - indeed I am near. I respond to the invocation of the supplicant when he calls upon Me. So let them respond to Me [by obedience] and believe in Me that they may be [rightly] guided." [Quran 2:186]
The Prophet (peace be upon him) also taught us many dua and zikr that he himself used to say in different situations. He encouraged us to follow his example and to learn these dua and zikr by heart. He said:
"Dua is the essence of worship." [Tirmidhi]
"The most excellent worship is dua." [Sahih Al-Jami]
"Whoever does not ask Allah, He becomes angry with him." [Tirmidhi]
"Remember Allah in times of ease, He will remember you in times of hardship." [Ahmad]
How to use Musalman Qalasi in daily life?
The categories and occasions of dua and zikr
Dua and zikr can be divided into two main categories: general and specific. General dua and zikr are those that can be said at any time, in any place, and for any reason. They include praising Allah, glorifying Him, sending blessings upon the Prophet (peace be upon him), seeking forgiveness, repenting, asking for guidance, etc. Specific dua and zikr are those that are related to certain events, situations, or actions. They include waking up, sleeping, eating, drinking, entering or leaving the house, mosque, or toilet, traveling, dressing, undressing, sneezing, hearing the adhan (call to prayer), praying, fasting, performing hajj or umrah (pilgrimage), visiting the sick, attending a funeral, etc.
Musalman Qalasi provides us with a comprehensive list of both general and specific dua and zikr that we can use in our daily lives. We should try to memorize them as much as possible and recite them regularly. We should also be aware of the occasions when they should be said and act accordingly. For example, we should say "Bismillah" (In the name of Allah) before starting anything; we should say "Alhamdulillah" (All praise is due to Allah) after finishing anything; we should say "Subhanallah" (Glory be to Allah) when we see something amazing; we should say "Astaghfirullah" (I seek forgiveness from Allah) when we commit a sin; we should say "La ilaha illallah" (There is no god but Allah) when we face a difficulty; we should say "Allahu Akbar" (Allah is the Greatest) when we hear good news; we should say "Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un" (To Allah we belong and to Him we return) when we hear bad news; etc.
The etiquettes and conditions of dua and zikr
Dua and zikr are not only words that we utter, but also actions that we perform. Therefore, they have certain etiquettes and conditions that we should observe and fulfill. These include:
Having sincerity and purity of intention. We should make dua and zikr only for the sake of Allah, not for showing off or seeking praise from others.
Having faith and certainty. We should believe in the power and wisdom of Allah, and trust that He will answer our dua and accept our zikr in the best way.
Having humility and submission. We should lower ourselves before Allah, acknowledge our weakness and neediness, and beg Him with earnestness and hope.
Having patience and perseverance. We should not give up or despair if our dua or zikr is not answered or accepted immediately, but rather continue to make them until we see the results.
Having gratitude and praise. We should thank Allah for the opportunity and ability to make dua and zikr, and praise Him for His generosity and kindness.
Choosing the best times and places. We should make dua and zikr at the times and places that are more conducive to their acceptance, such as before dawn, after prayers, on Fridays, in Ramadan, in Makkah, etc.
Using the best words and manners. We should make dua and zikr with the words that Allah and His Messenger (peace be upon him) taught us, or with words that are similar in meaning and style. We should also use polite and respectful language, avoid asking for anything unlawful or harmful, and avoid raising our voices or being hasty.
Musalman Qalasi is a term that refers to the collection of dua and zikr that every Muslim should know and practice. These are the words of Allah and His Messenger (peace be upon him) that provide us with guidance, protection, healing, forgiveness, mercy, and blessings. Musalman Qalasi is based on a book by Sheikh Sa'id ibn Ali ibn Wahf al-Qahtani, which has been translated into many languages and made into an app by Musalman Qalasi is important for Muslims because it is a source of worship, communication, and connection with Allah. Musalman Qalasi can be used in our daily lives by following the categories, occasions, etiquettes, and conditions of dua and zikr. By using Musalman Qalasi, we can build a strong fortress around ourselves that will protect us from harm and evil, and bring us peace and happiness in this world and the next.
What is the difference between dua and zikr?
Dua is a form of zikr, but not all zikr is dua. Dua means supplication or invocation, which is asking Allah for something or seeking His help or support. Zikr means remembrance or mention, which is praising Allah or glorifying Him or expressing His attributes or names.
How many dua and zikr are there in Musalman Qalasi?
The book Musalman Qalasi contains 132 chapters, each with one or more dua or zikr related to a specific topic or situation. The app Musalman Qalasi contains 133 chapters, with an additional chapter on the virtues of reciting Surah al-Fatihah (the opening chapter of the Quran).
Can I make dua or zikr in my own language?
Yes, you can make dua or zikr in your own language if you do not know Arabic or if you do not understand the meaning of the Arabic words. However, it is better to learn the Arabic words as much as possible, because they are the words that Allah and His Messenger (peace be upon him) used or taught us to use.
Can I make dua or zikr for others?
Yes, you can make dua or zikr for others, such as your family members, friends, relatives, neighbors, teachers, students, etc. You can also make dua or zikr for all Muslims in general, especially those who are suffering or oppressed. Making dua or zikr for others is a sign of love and generosity, and it also benefits the one who makes it. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said:
"The dua of a Muslim for his brother in his absence is readily accepted. An angel is appointed to his side. Whenever he makes a beneficial dua for his brother, the appointed angel says, 'Ameen. And may you also be blessed with the same.'" [Muslim]
Can I make dua or zikr for worldly matters?
Yes, you can make dua or zikr for worldly matters, such as health, wealth, education, marriage, children, etc. as long as they are lawful and beneficial. Allah is the Provider and the Sustainer of everything, and He knows what is best for us. He loves to hear our dua and zikr, and He responds to them according to His wisdom and mercy. However, we should not make worldly matters our main goal or priority, but rather seek the pleasure of Allah and the Hereafter. We should also balance our dua and zikr for worldly matters with those for spiritual matters, such as guidance, forgiveness, mercy, etc. 44f88ac181